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PenguinTutor YouTube Channel

Setting up a web server on a Raspberry Pi 4 using Ubuntu 20.10 (Beta) 64-bit Linux

Ubuntu 20.10 is now available as a BETA release. This includes a Raspberry Pi server edition. In this video I will boot up from a newly created image using the image from Ubuntu 20.10 Beta Server images site.

I then show how it can be setup as a basic web server with a simple test page created in html.

This is just the first steps in setting up a web server as it only installs Apache 2. You may also want to install a database such as Maria DB or other applications. You will probably also want to change to a static IP address which is not shown in this video.

The console screen video is captured using gucview, then I use an ssh from my Ubuntu PC to complete the configuration.

This was tested using the beta image installed onto an SD Card. I have tried to boot from an external USB drive (eg SSD drive), but that was unsuccessful.

Now with Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop image for the Raspberry Pi


Now that the release version of Ubuntu 20.10 is out they've now added as desktop edition of Ubuntu for the Raspberry Pi.

See Review of Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Desktop edition and the following video for an introduction to that as well.