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HP Laptop Hardware Problem - Wireless Networking

My HP laptop has been working OK since purchased in April until recently. Before I setup my wireless network at my new house I've been using wired Internet from the cable modem. Since then I have found that the wireless networking has failed.
At first the symptoms appeared to point at a software problem, and I though this was a Windows Vista issue:
Windows Vista Notworking (or do I mean networking?).
In fairness to Windows Vista this turns out to be a hardware problem, although on the negative side Vista didn't provide any tools which helped to identify this.

I eventually established that this was in fact a hardware problem when I reimaged using the rescue disk that I built, and the wireless network hardware was still not detected. I've since raised an email with HP (giving full details of the problem), and they have acknowledged that it sounds like a hardware problem, but pointed me at an 0870 phone number. My laptop is still under warranty, so I gave HP a ring. I tried calling on Saturday to be put on hold, and then left, and left and left - after 20 minutes on hold on the 0870 number I hang-up.

I tried again today, which was more successful and they should be collecting my laptop for repair during the Christmas holiday - I hope!