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HP Support Centre - Lost laptop

In December I had to send my HP Laptop for repair:
HP Warranty Support for Pavilion Entertainment Laptop dv6285eu.

My laptop was fixed promptly and then returned to me but that was not the case for someone else. Shortly after receiving my laptop back I had another delivered to me. I accepted the delivery, but then immediately contacted HP support to tell them that it was not mine and to get it returned to its proper owner. At first they were adamant that the laptop belonged to me. I was tempted to just accept it, but this was someone else's laptop with all their data on it, and I know how annoyed I would be if it was me.

They said that someone would come around to collect it. We waited in just for the collection, but nobody turned up.

We had them try again, but still did not collect it.

They sent me the odd letter asking me to contact them which I did, but they still didn't collect it.

I then had a letter telling me that I had sold this laptop to someone else and that is why their records were wrong. That was incorrect as I'd never owned that laptop, and I didn't know either of the people in the letter.

Finally they collected it about 2 months after I originally contacted them.

But that was not the end of the story ....

They then tried to deliver it back again. This time I refused the delivery and had the driver mark it as delivery to the wrong person. I have not heard back since so it appears that it may have gone back to the original owner.

It was very frustrating for me trying to get them to collect the laptop, but I can only imagine what it was like for the real owner frustrated that their laptop was missing. Not a good service from HP support!