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Pip - Raspberry Pi based Games Console / Development Device - Preview

This is an initial review of the PIP. The PIP is a Raspberry Pi handheld games console from a successful Kickstarter.

Pip Raspberry Pi handheld games console

The pip has been a long time coming - arriving approximately 3 years later than planned, but they have finally reached the point where they are sending out preview models for backers that have requested an initial version. The rest of the backers will get theirs soon once the software is ready.

The hardware looks great, but the current software is limiting. There is no graphical interface and so there is very little you can actually do with it at the moment.

I was hoping to use the pip with the games that I wrote for my book Beginning Game Programming with Pygame Zero.

I hope to follow this up with another video in future once there is a full graphical interface and it's possible to create graphical games to run on the pip.

For more details about the PIP see For more details about the software see Pip hardware preview page.